As the Liberal Arts Education Department has renovated Liberal Arts subjects for 2021, the original 'Major related Liberal Arts' subjects have been either renovated to 'Major', 'Selective LIberal Arts' or 'Academic Foundation'. 

There has been many controversies regarding subject selection for the completion of Liberal Arts subjects. Therefore, here is the following notice for students who enrolled at or before 2020.

1. From 2021, the original 'Major related Liberal Arts' subjects have been renovated to 'Major', 'Selective Liberal Arts', or 'Academic Foundation'. 

2. Students who have not yet completed all 'Major related LIberal Arts' needed for their graduation are acknowledged to have completed their requirements if it is the first time they complete the renovated course.

3. For students who are re-taking the original 'Major related Liberal Arts' subjects and their score is higher than before, their completion of requirements will also be acknowledged, and their scores will be replaced with the changed score. 

4. However, in case of graduation, if the altered curriculum acknowledges a subject as 'Major related LIberal Arts', it will not be simultaneously accepted as having completed another segment. (Ex. If the original Major related Liberal Arts subjects are altered to 'Major' subjects, and if the subjects are accepted as the former, it will be excluded from the latter.)

 ※ Therefore, if one completes the original 'Major related Liberal Arts' subjects of the attached file, it would be acknowledged as having completed the curriculum. 

 ※ For students who enrolled after 2021, they will need to follow the 'KUSIS Curriculum - 2021'.